11 March 2008

Jewelry, Jewelry and more Jewelry!

What I miss most about my old store in Calhoun Square was the massive amounts of jewelry that came and went through that store. I love this Dinkytown location because we have so much space and awesome windows to see the real world, but though we have a lot of jewelry, it doesn't pop out at you and punch you in the face as much as good jewelry should.

Here's a sampling of some of our new beauties.
They would love to find a good home to go to....
These photos do not do the jewelry justice!
Amber Butterfly
Multi-colored Amber pendant

Butterfly Wing Pendants
We also have matching earrings for a full set.
Don't worry. These pieces are made from found butterfly wings!

Fossilized Coral


Small Rainbow Moonstone Pendant

Large Labradorite Pendant
The beauty of this piece can not be contained!

This is but a small sampling.
Please stop by the store for all the gemstone goodness we have to offer.

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