25 October 2010

We got lots of new stuff!!

New @ SaraCura
We have a lot of new goodies in the store lately!

Check ’em out

Accoutrement Disguises for Halloween
Instant Villian
orld’s Longest Beard
Nerd Glass
Gnarly Teeth
hes for Girls
and more!

Hats, Hats, and more Hats
My call for consignment was successful and now we have a great selection.
Grab one before it gets too cold!

New Owl Earrings
Super cute ceramic, enamel, clay and metal owls to decorate your ears!

Full stock of Finger Cymbals
All different sizes now available for you d
ancers out there…

Lots of new Stickers and Buttons
including the ever popular Coexist!
now in 2 sizes of stickers, car plaque, button and drinking mug!

Thank you to everyone!!

I just want to tell you all that I love you lots and lots.
You are awesome customers
and I’m continually gra
teful for your support!

Upcoming Henna Workshops

Monday, October 25th from 5 to 7pm
Wednesday, November 3rd from 5 to 7pm
Thursday, November 11th from 5 to 7pm
Saturday, November 20th from 1 to 3pm
Wednesday, November 24th from 5 to 7pm
Monday, November 29th from 5 to 7pm

Please contact us with any questions or to sign up.



1411 SE 4th ST

Minneapolis – Dinkytown



Check out our new Facebook page

Search for SaraCura

Be our friend and get special deals for FB friends only!

24 March 2010

Henna Workshops and new henna events...

Henna Workshops are back!

Wednesday, March 24th from 6 to 8pm
Saturday, April 3rd from 1 to 3pm
Friday, April 9th from 1 to 3pm
Thursday, April 22nd from 5 to 7pm
Saturday, May 1st from 1 to 3pm

Sign up now!

Come learn more about henna and get a chance to use it first hand.

Sarah will talk a little bit about henna and how to apply it,
but most of the time you will be playing with henna.
Henna in applicator bottles will be available for everyone to use,
with Sarah's guidance. Learn simple techniques to create
quality, long lasting designs.
Workshops are limited to 8 people.

Price is $18/ $15 with student ID.

Bonus - everything in the store will be 10% off
for workshop participants the evening of the event!

New Henna Event!

All the Henna you can use for $10!
Every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 5 to 9pm.

Upcoming Super Henna Days
April 14th
May 12th
June 9th

I provide the henna and aftercare supplies.
You hang out and do as much henna as you want!
Stop by any time those evenings.
RSVPs are appreciated.

Workshops on Demand are still available!

Only two people needed to reserve your own workshop.
All the henna you can use for 2 hours!
You get tips and technique help,
as well as 10% off everything in the store that day.

Please contact us with any questions or
to sign up for any events.

12 March 2010

City Pages Best Of Voting has started!

Hello my lovely customers and friends!

It has been a dream of mine to part of
City Pages Best Of Twin Cities.

Will you help me with that dream?

Go to:

#41 is Best Gift Store.
Just type in SaraCura

If you vote for me, I'll love you forever!
(I'll still love you forever anyways - my love is not conditional! haha)

Voting takes place now through March 31st.
Vote Often

10 March 2010

SaraCura's on Facebook

Wow, it's been a long time since I've posted here! So much has happened. I have a lot to show you all. I'm working on pics of our new products for those of you that haven't made it into the store yet.
For now, I'd like to invite you all to join my new
Facebook store page!
Search for SaraCura and become a fan.
I welcome you to add feedback and let me know about your experiences in the store.
Also watch the page for Facebook only specials!
Thanks for everyone's support through the recent transitions.
I'm touched by all the nice comments.
I hope to be around for a long time and
continue to provide you all with fun, unique jewelry and super gifts.
Much love to all!

19 September 2009

Henna Workshops are back!

Henna Workshops

Tuesday, September 22nd – from 6 to 8pm
Friday, September 25th – from 1 to 3pm
Saturday, October 3rd – from 1 to 3pm
Monday, October 5th – from 3 to 5pm

Come learn more about henna and get a chance to use it first hand.

Sarah will talk a little bit about henna and how to apply it,
but most of the time will be spent playing with henna.

Henna in applicator bottles will be available for everyone to use,
with Sarah’s guidance.

Workshops are limited to 8 people.

Price is $18/ $15 with student ID.

Bonus – everything in the store will be 10% off
for workshop participants the evening of the event!

Please contact us with any questions or to sign up.


27 April 2009

SaraCura & Associates

In this challenging economy, SaraCura finds itself working closely with other business for all of our good. Besides the many artists we represent in the store, we have been making connections with some great businesses, just because we like each other so much. Let me tell you about them:

Sacred Divination

As many of you already know, we have brought Sacred Divination into the store on a regular schedule to do Fortune Telling for our customers. Our new friend Melanie does Tarot, Runes, and Palmistry and she's good! If you are interested, please give her a call at 612-481-9737.

City Look Salon
18 West 66th St, Richfield

Gloria from City Look contacted SaraCura to do henna in her salon. She felt her customers would love to have the option to get henna and look at some of our wonderful pretty jewelry and scarves. So SaraCura will be in Richfield on May 9th & 10th with her henna paste and a selection of fun merchandise. This is a good opportunity for our southern suburb friends to get henna without driving into town. Please call 612-861-2091 to make an appointment!

Melrose Antiques
13 NE 5th st, Minneapolis

Peggy has a wonderful selection of all sort of antiques. Besides amazing furniture, buttons, and glassware, she specializes in Vintage Clothes. Need a 40s outfit for a photo shoot? Call Peggy at 612-362-8480 to talk about renting her goods. At Peggy's request, Sarah will be teaching Beginning Jewelry Classes at her store. May 20th at 7pm will be Beginning Earring - teaching the basics of wire working and earring design. May 27th at 7pm will be Beginning Necklaces - talking about things to think about when designing necklaces and how to use the proper findings for a secure finished product.

To see more information about these events and more things going on at SaraCura, please go to our website www.saracura.com.

Thank you for your continued support in this time of financial changes. We can all make it if we work together!

03 March 2009

So many new pretties...

We have finally sorted out the new pretties from our trip to Tucson.
So many goodies, it's hard for them to not go home with me...

Gemstone Rings

Here's a close up of the rhodochrosite.

New Gemstone bracelets

Rainbow Moonstone
Purple Jade
(way prettier in person...)

Sterling Charms

Note: some of these items are one of a kind and others we have a few of them.

Peace - one of many styles we have right now

Amazing Celtic Gryffin - one of a kind

Our lovely Isis


Glass and Gemstone Pendants

These are all one of a kind.

Beautiful Dichroic Glass

Magical and Ancient Carnelian

Lovely, lovely Saphire

Magnificent Turquoise and Bone Mermaid

Hard-to-find Serafinite & Peridot

As usual, if you are interested in any of these pieces, please send us an email.
so we can hold the piece for you.

This is just a small selection of the many beautiful pieces we now have.

Thanks for looking,
and drolling if you're like me. haha